How Do You Know If You Have a Drinking Problem?

How Do You Know If You Have a Drinking Problem?

Last Updated: Tue, January 23, 2024

So there is this famous saying that if you have to ask whether you have a drinking problem or not, there is a great probability that you have got the problem. And if you keep drinking continuously despite knowing the evil consequences, then, my friend, you have reached an extreme level of risking your health. 

But What is Alcohol Addiction? 

When you drink dangerously or get dependent on alcohol, you engage in alcohol misuse. When drinking becomes a regular activity, it may reflect the development of your intake and put you at risk for health problems.

 Drinking too much or too frequently or being unable to regulate one’s alcohol use, might be symptoms of a greater issue. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism, often known as alcohol dependency, are two separate disorders some people might acquire.

 “How did you know?” is one of the most common inquiries one can receive during the recovery phase. “How did you realize you had a drinking problem?” I believe this is a question that all of us sober people ask ourselves when we are still drinking. 

Many people who have drinking issues simply reduce or stop drinking when they experience one exceedingly terrible or embarrassing drinking event in their lives. They vow to themselves once and for all and say “never again.” 

How Do You Know If You Have a Drinking Problem? 

 However, if you are reading this, you may be thinking, “How do you know?” How do you know when it’s time to give up alcohol? These are the questions for which we have chosen the best and most common answers to help you realize whether or not you have a drinking problem. 

  •  You May Find Yourself Constantly Thinking About If You Have a Drinking Problem or Not

  •   Every time You Will Start Feeling Guilty Immediately After Drinking 

  • You have Already Faced Many Bad Consequences from Your Drinking Habits 

  • You Are Struggling to Keep Balance in Your Life 

  •  You May Start Pondering About Your Life with The Existence of Alcohol in it

  • You Have Got Your Tolerance Out of Your Hand

  • You Crave Alcohol No Matter How Hard You Try to Avoid It 

  • You Give Up Other Activities in Order to Drink

  • Your Drinking is Messing Up with Your Work-Life, Making You Feel Worthless and Eventually Turn to Depression

  • You Start Escaping from Your Basic Responsibilities  

  • Your Relationship May Seem to Be in Trouble, and You Fail to Understand the Reason Behind This 

  • You May Experience Difficulty Sleeping, Shakiness, Irritability, Anxiety, Sadness, Restlessness, Nausea, or Sweating When the Effects of Alcohol Fade Away. (This can happen when you quit drinking abruptly, your brain needs time to adjust, resulting in alcohol withdrawal symptoms.)

  • Drinking Is Affecting Your Health, Making You Fall Sick More Often Than a Normal Non-Alcoholic Person 

  • It is Getting Serious When You Have Been in trouble with the law Due to Your Alcohol Consumption.

  • It is a Warning Sign If You Try to Stop Drinking but Then Become Obsessed with It or Move to Another Drug or Habit.


How to Quit Drinking

 There is a reason you have decided to stop working or reduce your hours, and it is a good idea to write it down and keep it somewhere so that you will see it often. Keeping this in mind can help you stay motivated, whether for better relationships, better health, or weight reduction. 

In addition, there are many ways that can be helpful for you in making you stop this habit, some of the critical ways to quit drinking could be:

  • Make your intentions known to others like family and friends. Tell others clearly that you want to stop drinking so that they should not bring up the topic that is sensitive to you and that can shake your faith in any way. 

  • Putting a sincere effort into making yourself busy in different activities so you do not have the time to even think about it. 

  • Starting it gradually and with little steps. Drinking slowly or reducing your alcohol intake per day may help you cut down on it entirely. (This tip is best when you cannot make yourself quit in a single move.)

  • Finally, believing in yourself and being optimistic that if you want it, you can achieve it would make you achieve your goal much faster and with much ease.

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