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Is Gambling a Sin? What to Do When It Weighs You Down

Last Updated: Tue, January 23, 2024

With the morality debate surrounding gambling, many people wonder, “Is gambling a sin?” 

Religious people also often grapple with this question. With a lot of things being off-limits to them, is gambling a sin?

This post explores gambling and answers the question: Is gambling a sin?

What’s Wrong With Gambling? 

A lot of controversies surround gambling. 

For one, gambling can lead to many problems such as debt and violence. A lot of people also think that gambling is immoral. 

Due to these, people with gambling problems are often unwilling to confess their gambling habits. As a result, they don’t get the help they need. 

In addition, gambling can be a huge waste of money especially if it’s used to feed an addiction

Is Gambling A Sin? 

Religious scriptures like the Bible do not explicitly say that gambling is a sin. They also don’t explicitly mention that gambling is immoral. 

In addition, many governments all over the world operate charity casinos. 

However, there’s one main reason that people don’t want to talk about gambling, sweeping discussions about it under the rug. 

It’s because many people see gambling as a sin. 

But why do they view gambling as a sin? The next section explores this. 

Why Do People Think Gambling Is a Sin? 

Here are the common reasons why many people think that gambling is a sin:

1.     Gambling leads to a toxic, unhealthy lifestyle. 

Casinos are associated with free-flowing alcohol,  ladies putting quarter after quarter into slot machines, and prostitutes.

Though one can say that casinos are immoral since they exploit people and encourage a sinful lifestyle, being in a casino and playing doesn’t make you a bad person. 

Gambling can lead to harmful things, but several activities that people do. For example, joining foam parties that lead to a lot of drinking and swearing is not always considered immoral. 

In addition, gambling nowadays doesn’t even require you to go to a casino or be surrounded by bad people. You can buy lottery tickets or place a bet online. 

Given this, gambling can’t tempt you to do harmful things in a casino. 

2.     Gambling means being greedy and wanting quick success. 

The love of money can be dangerous, according to religious scriptures like the Bible. 

Given this, gambling in the hopes of a multi-million-dollar win can be a sin. 

However, this doesn’t seem to apply to the average gambler. The average gambler doesn’t bet it in hopes to win millions of dollars. 

Most gamblers and bettors also know that the odds are high against them. They also don’t expect to win quickly. 

Gambling and betting are more for entertainment, than a shortcut to millions of dollars.

3.     Gambling can be wasteful, addictive, and consuming. 

Most gamblers lose money. 

In a Wall Street Journal study that examined two years’ worth of data from gambling online, only 11% made money. Those who made money got less than $150.

Gambling and betting are also addictive and consuming. People who are addicted to gambling always think that their next bet would be their next win. While gambling is addictive, the addiction often comes from an underlying problem such as depression and anxiety. 

Moreover, gambling addiction is a serious issue that needs proper treatment. However, due to the stigma surrounding gambling addiction people who suffer from it don’t ask for help. 

But for those who use gambling and betting as a way to relax, it’s hard to say that gambling losses are wasteful. 

For one, you’re exchanging enjoyment for money. How is that a waste?

Following the same logic, going on vacation is also a waste because you have a house to live in. The same thing applies to going out for dinner since you can cook in your kitchen. 

Once gambling causes problems like that and violence, that’s when gambling becomes wasteful. However, there’s nothing wrong with gambling responsibly and for enjoyment. 

Hence it’s crucial to maintain a balance between your gambling and living a healthy, non-addicted lifestyle. 

Conclusion: Is Gambling a Sin? 

So is gambling a sin?

On its own, no. Gambling is not a sin. 

However, gambling can be a sin if you don’t have enough discipline to keep it from taking over your life. 

If you can’t resist the other harmful things that come with gambling, it becomes a sin. Plus, if gambling costs you your relationships with your loved ones you need to stop. 

If you or your loved ones are suffering from excessive gambling, please know and remember that there’s no shame in asking for help. 

The right treatment plan, support system, and sobriety app like I Am Sober can help. 

I Am Sober is a free app that helps you get some control back in your life.

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