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An alumni manager working with their team on their group's goals.

What Are the Goals of an Outpatient Rehab Center Alumni Manager?

Last Updated: Thu, March 28, 2024

If you have an alumni program in place or this is a goal you have for your outpatient rehab center, you need to understand what an alumni manager does. An alumni manager is in charge of the alumni program, helping interact with patients who have undergone their recovery treatment.

Like any kind of outpatient rehab center manager, alumni managers have their own set of goals that help them achieve the desired results. Goals are critical since they supply the necessary guide for managers to follow, so nothing important falls between the cracks. This is especially important for alumni managers since their job encompasses so many aspects of the patient’s experience.

Keep reading to understand the driving force behind an alumni manager. We will be discussing the main goals every alumni manager should have to get the best results for a rehab center and alumni program.

Increase Engagement

The primary purpose of an alumni coordinator is to help increase engagement from patients who have gone through a recovery program. You do not want them to simply complete their program and move on without any remaining connections. That is why alumni coordinators have the goal of keeping in touch with these patients long-term.

Maintaining relationships with past patients helps to increase engagement and provides support as they continue their recovery. If patients feel supported and cared for, they are more likely to leave positive feedback about the rehab center as well as recommend it to others.

Cultivating long-term patient relationships is also important in building a strong recovery community and helping patients stay clean.

Provide Patient Feedback

Speaking of feedback, this is incredibly important for outpatient rehab centers since reputation is everything. You obviously do not want to have a bad reputation by acquiring negative feedback, but you also don’t want to lack feedback in general. That is why it is important to encourage past patients to leave feedback about their experiences.

Many patients forget to do this after completing their program as they move on with their lives. If they become part of the alumni program or stay in touch with the alumni manager, they are more likely to leave feedback.

An alumni manager can encourage feedback in more public settings to make it available for people looking for rehab centers. However, more personal feedback is also useful since it can help the alumni manager communicate information on how to improve how the center and programs are organized.

In some situations, the alumni manager may even be the middleman for discussing concerns or dissatisfied experiences.

Keep Track of Results

One thing many outpatient rehab centers fail to do is manage their success rate for patients who have completed different programs. This is often due to patients losing contact after leaving the facility if they aren’t in the database.

Alumni coordinators have the task of creating a thorough patient database that allows them to keep in touch with each patient who walks through the doors. This helps them to decide on different programs they may want to join, such as the alumni program, but it also helps track results. Alumni coordinators often develop monthly reports on things like:

  • Alumni participation

  • Patient outcomes

  • Candidates for re-admission

  • Patient satisfaction

These are just a few examples of some of the results alumni coordinators can catalog throughout the year. They may do this through multiple forms, such as questionnaires or the more popular option of alumni surveys.

Having this feedback is invaluable for rehab centers to develop more successful programs and an efficient system. It can also improve engagement and positive feedback as future patients benefit from these implemented changes.

Increase Community Outreach

Every outpatient rehab center needs to have some form of community outreach to help with marketing. After all, each center directly serves its community and needs to maintain some kind of connection with it. Alumni coordinators help to do this through a multitude of tasks, such as:

  • Social media

  • Online content

  • Newsletters

  • Alumni ambassador programs

  • Alumni events

  • Alumni chapter meetings

The alumni coordinator will directly communicate with the community and reach out to those interested in recovery. Because of this, they are often the face of your marketing team and actively seek to better serve the local community.

Market Rehab Programs

Even though an alumni coordinator is not directly part of the marketing team, they will work closely with those in marketing. This is because alumni coordinators have the goal of directing patients to different programs, including the alumni program.

Because alumni coordinators are so engaged in social media and the community, they can help market different rehab programs. They also increase the number of patients who join the alumni program by promoting this to patients while they are currently in their treatment.

In certain situations, they may not directly help market rehab programs to those in the community, but they can identify opportunities for the marketing team. Overall, alumni managers should have an eye for potential patients and their pain points.

Continue Patient Care

You never want patients to complete their recovery program and drop off your radar without establishing a connection. One reason for this is that patients need continued care to guarantee their success in recovery.

A goal of alumni managers is to continue patient care in an inclusive and positive way. They often do this by providing resources patients can continue to use as well as staying in touch directly. By doing this, alumni managers can also identify when patients may need to join additional programs to aid in their recovery.


As you can see, alumni managers juggle a lot of tasks and have many goals that help them get the desired results. This includes things like managing patient results so the rehab center can customize treatments for better patient success. Alumni managers also aid in getting patient feedback and increasing community outreach and overall engagement.

Alumni managers impact many things outside of the alumni program, which is why their job is so important. If you are interested in growing your own alumni program and team, check out our tools and get started now.

We help treatment centers simplify outcomes reporting and alumni engagement.

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