Unless you’re living under a rock, chances are you’ve heard about Xanax. As the number one prescribed medication in the United States, Xanax is well known to people young and old alike. However, in recent years, the connotation associated with Xanax has become increasingly negative as illegal Xanax usage is on a rise. As a result, people want to know more about this prescription medication that’s taking over their homes and the news.
If you are one of the people looking for information regarding Xanax, Xanax high, and Xanax overdose, you are in the right place. We have answers to the most frequently asked questions about Xanax here for you.
Most often prescribed to patients that have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Xanax comes in an easily recognizable pill or tablet form. The general purpose of Xanax is to restore chemical balance in the brain where there was once an imbalance. Xanax is a benzodiazepine; a type of medication also commonly known as a tranquilizer.
Patients with paranoia, anxiety, or panic disorders all find benefits from the correct dosage of Xanax. Furthermore, because of the calming effect that Xanax has, it is also regularly prescribed to individuals with sleep disorders.
Because many people seek out a Xanax high, the drug is known by many other names. To the layman, the street names for Xanax may not make a lot of sense. However, that does not matter to the person who is using the street name to seek the drug out.
If you are attempting to be cognizant of illegal Xanax use, here are a few names for Xanax that you should watch out for.
Zanbars or Xanbars
Blue Footballs
School Bus
Bicycle Parts
Yellow Boys
White Boys
White Girls
To be used properly, Xanax should be prescribed by a doctor. And, much like many other medications, Xanax is appropriately prescribed depending on an individual patient’s situation. Therefore, it is difficult to make statements regarding a “typical” dose of Xanax. However, there are safe amounts of Xanax that one can take in order to avoid a Xanax high.
According to drugs.com a typical dose of Xanax for a patient is between 0.25-0.5 mg three times per day. In most cases, Xanax will not be prescribed in amounts greater than 4 mg per day. However, there are extreme cases where a high dose may need to be administered for a short period of time to have a maximum effect.
In short, Xanax bars are another name for the highest dosage of a Xanax pill. Although Xanax bar is the most popular term, they are also widely referred to as bars, planks, and zanies. Xanax bars are white or yellow and come in a long rectangular shape, hence the name “bars”. Typically, the dosage in a Xanax bar is 2 mg of Xanax.
Xanax bars are sought after by middle school, high school, and college-aged individuals and have become a widely used and desirable "party drug" among these crowds.
When discussing Xanax high, it is important to understand that, although not impossible, it is not common to overdose on Xanax alone. However, the probability of Xanax overdose becomes very high when it is mixed with other prescription medications, alcohol, or illicit street drugs.
The main purpose of Xanax as a prescription drug is to calm the brain and limit the symptoms of panic and anxiety disorders. When taken correctly, Xanax achieves these objectives rather well. However, when taken in high doses, or without a prescription, Xanax is known to have adverse effects on both the body and the mind.
Once taken, Xanax begins to work in one's body rather quickly. Most people begin to feel relief from their stressful symptoms within 10-15 minutes. However, the real effects of the drug are experienced 1-2 hours after taking the initial dose.
Generally, people experience calmness, relaxation, slowed thoughts, and ease thanks to prescribed doses of Xanax. However, those who abuse the drug and take it in higher amounts than prescribed or without a prescription may experience a more pronounced version of these benefits.
A Xanax high creates feelings of listlessness, sedation, and euphoria. In certain cases, people may also experience mild dizziness, confusion, and sleepiness as well.
If you suspect someone you know might be experiencing a Xanax high, look for these signs:
Slurred speech
Inability to concentrate
Loss of Interest
Loss of Motivation
The desire to be alone
Mood Swings
Unfortunately, now more than ever, teens across the United States are facing the challenges of Anxiety and depression. Therefore, now more than ever, teens are being prescribed medications to handle the symptoms of these threatening diseases. And, although the prescriptions are helpful to most teens, they have also been made more available to those who don’t need them. Furthermore, those who do need them are finding it rather easy to become addicted.
It is important to realize that when talking about Xanax addiction, even individuals who take the medication as prescribed on the bottle can become addicted to it. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Addiction is characterized by an inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one's behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response. Therefore, even if one has a prescription for the medication, but are taking it when they do not need it, they can still be addicted.
Those who suffer from a Xanax addiction will see consequences in every facet of their life. Their personal relationships, work, and even hobbies will all feel a strain due to the increased amount of attention and time spent obtaining and indulging in the drug. Many times, the side effects of Xanax addiction such as slurred speech, lethargy, and confusion make it nearly impossible to function as a part of society.
If you are fighting a Xanax addiction, or know someone who is, it’s never too late to seek help. There are always resources in your local community that you can reach out to. Or, you can also seek an online support group such as the I Am Sober App. Although it may be difficult, it is never impossible to overcome the obstacles that addiction has placed in your life.
https://www.drugs.com/dosage/xanax.html https://www.recoveryfirst.org/prescription-abuse/xanax/dangers/ https://www.inspiremalibu.com/blog/drug-addiction/xanax-bars-and-teen-drug-abuse/ https://detoxifysd.com/benzodiazepines/xanax/ https://www.addictioncenter.com/benzodiazepines/ https://www.addictioncenter.com/benzodiazepines/xanax/ https://drugabuse.com/library/xanax-abuse/ https://www.asam.org/resources/definition-of-addiction https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-9824/xanax-oral/details
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