Self harm quotes

Self Harm Quotes You Need to Make You Feel Better

Last Updated: Thu, May 26, 2022

Self harm is a common problem, especially among teens. Thankfully, it’s something that can be managed and treated using the right approaches.

In many cases, those who harm themselves find comfort by reading self harm quotes. If you or your loved one feels the urge to self harm, this post can help.

In this post, we will talk about the causes, signs, and risk factors of self harm. Then, we will explore some self harm quotes that can help you feel better. 

Causes of Self Harm 

Here are the common causes of self harm: 

The need to be relieved from intense emotions 

For many, self harm serves as a way to release intense feelings like stress, anxiety, and pressure. In some cases, they use self harm to express the hate they feel for themselves.

However, many also see the act as a way to feel positive emotions or to simply feel alive.

The urge to gain control 

Self harm enables people to gain control. These people often feel helpless or alienated and thus, need a way to gain control. 

Self harm also helps them feel neutral or numb, letting them feel as if they have control over themselves. 

The need to represent express feelings 

People who self harm find it hard to express their feelings. They also often feel the need to protect others from their feelings.

As a result, they decide to take it upon themselves to express their feelings. 

The urge to connect with others 

For some, self harm allows them to connect with others, especially those with similar problems. It also allows them to gain some attention from others. Some even make self harm quotes to connect with others. 

Signs of Self Harm 

Here are the common signs of self harm: 

●      Cuts, bruises, burns, or scars on the wrists, hands, thighs, or stomach 

●      Unusual physical behaviors such as hair pulling disorder and skin picking that result in bruising, bleeding, and scarring

●      Wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants during warm weather in an attempt to cover scars and bruises

●      Following social media accounts promoting self harm and watching how-to-self-harm videos

Risks Factors of Self Harm 

Some risk factors are social or situational. These include:

●      Toxic relationships with family or friends

●      Coping with racism or homophobia 

●      Toxic environments at home, school, or work

●      Other problems such as bullying and gaslighting

However, some risk factors are more personal and emotional. These include:

●      Feelings of isolation and emptiness

●      Depression and anxiety

●      History of abuse

●      Drug addiction and dependence

●      Alcohol use disorder

●      Extreme stress

●      Genetic history of self harm

Self Harm Quotes 

Here are some self harm quotes that can help you during tough times:

Self Harm Quotes 1 

“Other times, I look at my scars and see something else: a girl who was trying to cope with something horrible that she should never have had to live through at all. My scars show pain and suffering, but they also show my will to survive. They’re part of my history that’ll always be there.” 

― Cheryl Rainfield

Self Harm Quotes 2 

 “Stars are the scars of the universe.” 

― Ricky Maye

Self Harm Quotes 3 

“The scars you can’t see are the ones that hurt the most.”

― Michelle Hodkin

Self Harm Quotes 4 

“A pattern of raised crisscrossed scars, some old and white, others more recent in various shades of pink and red. Exposing the stress of the structure underneath its paint” 

― Amy Efaw

Self Harm Quotes 5 

“Your scars are battle wounds, but you don’t see them that way. Yet.” 

― Tammara Webber

Self Harm Quotes 6 

“Other times, I look at my scars and see something else: a girl who was trying to cope with something horrible that she should never have had to live through at all. My scars show pain and suffering, but they also show my will to survive. They’re part of my history that’ll always be there.”

― Cheryl Rainfield

Self Harm Quotes 7 

“[Those] that cut or use anything to do with self-harm, promise me tonight that you will throw away all the blades and go to what you love instead of the blade. I believe you can do it. I will be here if you feel like giving in. I love you guys so so much.”

― Vic Fuentes

Self Harm Quotes 8 

“You need to start treating ourselves how we deserve to be treated, even if you feel that no one else does. Prove to the world you ARE worth something by treating yourself with the utmost respect and hope that other person will follow your example. And even if they don’t, at least one person in the world is treating you well: YOU.”

― Carrie Hope Fletcher


Self harm quotes can offer temporary relief from the urge to self har, However, you must reach out to professionals for help. Therapy can help you build the right support system and coping mechanisms.

A sobriety app like I Am Sober can also help track your progress and manage your symptoms. 

I Am Sober is a free app that helps you get some control back in your life.

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