Marketing is an aspect of addiction care that carries a lot of mystery with it. No one wants to talk about marketing addiction care centers since it is such a complex and challenging topic. Marketing, in general, is difficult for most businesses, but it can get especially difficult for addiction care industries.
Addiction care requires certain marketing tactics to get the desired results, and pinpointing what actually works isn’t always easy. That is why it is essential to understand the role of marketing in addiction care and how you should create a strategy for your business.
Keep reading to find out what marketing means for addiction care and how you can broaden your marketing reach.
Like any kind of marketing strategy, addiction care requires a certain process to get the types of results you need. That is why these marketing strategies need to have some core components so that they align with your goals and the industry.
One of the core components of marketing for addiction care centers is simply spreading awareness. Addiction care is a service that is never going to go out of style since it is a necessity for many people. Because of this, you don’t need to really dress up what your center is providing; you simply need to get your center in front of more people.
This is a double-edged marketing tactic as it also helps with another goal many addiction care centers have: spreading awareness about recovery. As you are spreading awareness about addiction recovery, you are also naturally marketing your center.
Any kind of business in the healthcare space needs to prioritize establishing a reputation. Healthcare is a very serious industry, and people will not pay attention to your addiction care center if you don’t have a positive reputation. This has become especially true as people are looking for care centers online where they can access things like reviews and ratings.
A primary goal of addiction care marketing is to create more referrals so that a constant stream of patients is coming in. This is a delicate process since you want to make sure you are marketing to the right group of people. Many referrals also come from more organic marketing, as past patients recommend your services to other people. Because of this, finding a marketing method that results in referrals could be challenging unless you are focusing on engagement.
A bonus tip for addiction care centers looking to boost referrals is to have an alumni program. This serves as a form of patient aftercare and increases your chances of getting recommendations and positive feedback.
If you run an addiction care center, you most likely already know about the basics of marketing for this industry. As important as the basics are, there are other creative marketing strategies that could propel your campaign to the next level. The most important thing is that you monitor your results so that you can see what is working and what isn’t.
Content marketing is a very overlooked marketing method that has recently gained popularity. Content includes any kind of written content that has the purpose of marketing or advertising your addiction care center or services. Some common examples of content marketing include:
Blog posts
Landing pages
Social media posts
These are just a few of the most common examples of how you can use content marketing for your addiction care center. The purpose of content is often to educate the reader about a certain topic around addiction or recovery. In some cases, you may want to put more of an advertising spin on it for something like a landing page or social media post.
Another very underrated marketing option is using visuals to gain more engagement and attention. This is an area that a lot of addiction care centers do not prioritize since it is more superficial. Visuals can include things like photographs of patients and the center, as well as videos.
This is also a form of marketing that can be a little bit more difficult to pull off in a natural and sophisticated way. You will need to hire a professional to create both types of visuals so that you can share them on your website and social media platforms.
People are visual creatures and will automatically be drawn to something with a nice photo or video. You can use this as an opportunity to showcase the best elements of your center and programs to make it even more appealing.
Creating a Google business profile is a very basic type of marketing advice that slips through the cracks sometimes. This is the profile that pops up when somebody is searching for a rehabilitation center in their area. If you are local, Google will immediately push your Google business profile to the top of the result page, showing that you are a legitimate addiction treatment center. Having this profile set up not only makes your center easier to find but it also establishes credibility.
Most businesses understand the importance of branding, but addiction care centers can sometimes forget about this. Even though you offer a necessary service, you still need to make it look appealing to stand out from the competition.
Branding isn’t just about creating visuals that tell a story but also about differentiating your center from other addiction care centers in the area. The best way to do this is to have a specific addiction treatment philosophy or a way of approaching addiction recovery. For example, you could focus on holistic addiction treatment or faith-based recovery.
As you can see, marketing plays a huge role in addiction care centers and how they are able to grow and acquire more referrals. As difficult as this process can feel, it is an area where you need to dedicate time and resources to see results.
One way to target multiple areas of addiction care marketing is to establish an alumni program for patients who have completed their treatment. Try out our tools and get started now.
I Am Sober provides alumni tools to help you do your job more efficiently.